Being the children of God is not easy. Everyone of us should struggle in our life through every problems and trials that we have to face. We must learn how to accept and surrender any of our problems as the will and plan of God himself.
If the purpose of your life is straight so your relationship with God will be felt so close. The Lord will give strength within you to get what you want as long as it does not differ from God's will.
Bring yourself to God, love others sincerely, always think positive, always doing good. Cause you know why? Goodness will attract goodness. Sincerity will attract sincerity. Honesty will attract honesty. Our positive desire will attract positive things as well.
The nature of God as written in the holy book is sacred and holy. All that comes from God is positive. Nothing is negative. So why we should have negative thinkings, if we know that our negative minds can bring negative thoughts in our life.
Actually you can ask anything from God as long as you believe, that is called faith. Free ourselves from the trap of negative minds, cause that's what God wants from us. Start our day by having gratitude and surrender.
Maybe we think there are so many bad things that happened in our life so why should we be grateful? We can start looking for things that we are thankful even its just a little single thing among our problems and trials. Maybe in our poverty, we still grow healthy, we live around friendly neighborhood, parents who love us. Maybe in our sickness, we still have family who care so much about us, we already feel happy for so many years before we got the disease. I am sure there are still so many other things in our life.
"Dear my Lord, God The Almighty, thank you for all Your kindness. May we feel Your extraordinary love, through every good and bad moment that we face everyday. Never give up teaching us to always live in Your way cause we know only with Your blessing can make us rich. Amen."

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