"I am not feeling well. Will you come to my place, please?"
I read his SMS several times. I was still upset with him after our last arguing, but thinking that he's alone in his place, I decided to go to his place.
I just got there. Seeing his face again is my weakness. He looked so pale and weak.
"Have you seen a doctor?"
"Nope...It's just a flu." He said with a hoarse voice. I put my hand on his forehead, it's warm.
"Go to your bed, you need to rest more, that's the best medicine for flu."
"As long as you are here....."
"Still mad?"
"Just sleep...." I didn't want to answer his question and just put a blanket over him.
"Promise, you won't go when I wake up?" He held my hand.
"I'll be here."
I watched him sleeping for a minute. How I really love this guy and I just want to take care of him. I went to the kitchen and made porridge for him.
It's almost twilight when he got up.
"Feeling better?"
"Much better babe..."
"I made porridge for you." I gave him a bowl of chicken porridge.
"Sit next to me, babe..."
Suddenly he kissed my forehead and said, "Thank you for being here today."
Then he started eating his porridge, while his left hand kept holding my waist.
"I should go home now."
"Stay a little bit longer..."
"I'll be here tomorrow."
"Before you go, I have something for you." He went to his bedroom and came back with a small envelope on his hand.
"Read it at home..." He kissed both of my cheeks this time.
Oh my!! He wrote me a love letter. This is what he wrote....
Dearest Elska
Thank you for giving me all your love and affection.
Everyday I work hard and feel tired, but I know I have you who will embrace me and drive my weariness away. Everyday I become addicted to your attention, warmth and all the feelings that can make me feel alive. Forgive me, because I am always busy with my work and forget that you need to be loved just like the way you have given to me.
Since the first time I met you, I wanna learn everything bout you. I wanna know what things can make you laugh and what things can make you sad. I feel I am such a failure everytime I see tears in your eyes. I feel I am not good enough at saying romantic words, not good enough in expressing my feelings and I am so stupid for not taking good care of your heart.
But one thing I want you to know, Elska. I do really love you. So don't ever give up on me. Teach me so I can make you feel how I love you more than anything. Please don't keep your anger cause I can't stand without you here by my side.
Really in love with you,
I cried after I read it. How can I not love you? Cause you always be my dreams, be my life, even in my worst day with you, I am happier than my best days without you. Isn't it enough?

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